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- » » » » » C O N V E R T « « « « «
- version 2.01, November 22th, 1992
- User Manual
- ***************************************************************
- Contents
- 1. Introduction - What does "Convert" ?
- 2. Getting started
- 3. Working with "Convert"
- 4. Creating own conversion descriptions
- 5. Error messages
- 6. The shell version "Cvt"
- ***************************************************************
- 1. Introduction
- "Convert" is a powerful file conversion program. It covers the
- application domain of all ASCII conversion tools between Amiga
- and MS-DOS or any other computer system. This means, that file
- conversion with "Convert" does NOT affect the physical format of
- a file but only its contents. Physical conversion is not subject
- of "Convert" and thus assigned to tools like "CrossDOS".
- "Convert" can be used to replace bytes or pairs of bytes in a
- file by another byte or another pair of bytes or by nothing.
- Therefore it can be used for tasks as follows:
- - replacing TABs in an ASCII file with blank character(s)
- - stripping controls in an ASCII file
- - converting ASCII-files between Amiga and MS-DOS, MS-DOS and
- Amiga, Amiga and Mac, Mac and Sun, Amiga and Sun etc.
- What are "conversion descriptions" ?
- All that "Convert" needs, is a set of "replacement records"
- which it can apply to its input files. This set is in the
- following called "conversion description".
- You can create your individual conversion descriptions by
- creating several "replacement records" with a text editor using
- the simple syntax described in chapter 4. These "records" are
- stored to a conversion description file which can be parsed by
- "Convert".
- The draft of specifying the conversion by a simple text file
- makes "Convert" more powerful than any other conversion tool
- and thus allows the application of "Convert" for almost all
- conversion problems.
- ***************************************************************
- 2. Getting started
- Installation
- To install "Convert" double-click the "Install" icon. This short
- shell script will do the following things:
- - Copying "reqtools.library" to the LIBS: directory.
- - Copying "Cvt" to the C: directory.
- Furthermore, you must have a directory from where "Convert" reads
- its conversion description files. If this directory is not the
- same as the one where "Convert" is placed, you must assign the
- logical device "CVT:" to it.
- If "Convert" starts, first it looks in the current directory for
- conversion descriptions. If it cannot find any matching file
- (with the extension ".cvt"), it tries to get files from "CVT:".
- NOTE: If "Convert" cannot find any description file, it will
- NOT work !
- Starting "Convert"
- You can start "Convert" by entering its name in the shell or by
- double-clicking its icon.
- If the program can locate at least one conversion description,
- it opens a window which contains the control panel of "Convert".
- This panel consists of following elements:
- * Source file list *
- This list on the left side of the buttons displays the names of
- all files to be converted. The names are shown without path
- name, except if you select two files in different directories
- with the same name. Then the whole path name is displayed.
- * Conversion list *
- This list on the right side of the buttons displays the names
- of the conversion description files which "Convert" could locate
- at the start. The currently selected conversion description file
- is shown by a high-lighted selection. By default the first name
- of the list is selected.
- * Button "Clear" *
- You can use this button for deleting the current contents of the
- source file list. If the files in this list have not been
- converted yet, you will be asked to confirm your decision.
- * Button "Add files..." *
- If you click this button, a file requester will appear. You can
- then select the files which you want to convert by clicking on
- the file names while holding the SHIFT key. In addition there are
- buttons for selecting and de-selecting all files and for pattern
- matching (great, Nico ! :-) ).
- Press the button "Ok" to add the selected files to the source file
- list.
- * Button "Remove" *
- You can use this button for deleting the currently selected item
- in the source file list. If the files in this list have not been
- converted yet, you will be asked to confirm your decision.
- * Button "Start" *
- A click on this button starts the conversion process.
- * Button "About..." *
- Click this button to get short information about "Convert".
- * Button "Quit" *
- You can use this button for exiting "Convert". If the files in the
- source file list have not been converted yet, you will be asked
- to confirm your decision. You can also quit by clicking in the
- close gadget of "Convert"'s window.
- * Cycle-gadget "Replace Original/Target Directory"
- This cycle-gadget can be used to toggle between the following two
- modes:
- 1. replacement mode
- 2. duplication mode
- The replacement mode is active, when the gadget shows the text
- "Replace Original". Former versions of "Convert" (up to v1.12)
- only provide this mode. In this mode "Convert" replaces the
- original file with the converted version.
- If you choose the duplication mode, a directory requester will
- appear and you have to select a target directory, where "Convert"
- will write the converted files. The name of the target directory
- is then displayed within the cycle-gadget.
- ***************************************************************
- 3. Working with "Convert"
- When you have started "Convert" from the shell or from workbench,
- it will open a window which contains a small control panel.
- The source file list on the left side of the buttons is empty,
- so the buttons "Clear" and "Start" are "ghosted".
- Whenever you want to append files to the source file list, press
- the button "Add files". A file requester will appear which allows
- you to select the desired files. Press the "Ok" button to
- append the files to the source file list.
- If you do not want to overwrite the old files with the converted
- versions, then you can specify a target directory for the
- converted files by pressing the cycle-gadget at the botton of the
- window. When you have chosen a target directory, its name will
- be displayed within the gadget.
- Before you start the conversion process, make sure you have
- selected the correct conversion description in the list on the
- right side of the buttons. The current description is shown
- beneath the list.
- The conversion process can be started by pressing the "Start"
- button. "Convert" will open a window which gives you a simple
- trace about the conversion.
- If the conversion description contains no syntax errors, the
- conversion should be performed without any problem. Otherwise
- you have to correct the description file with a text editor.
- At the end "Convert" informs you with a simple requester about
- the success of the conversion process.
- If there were no problems, you can return to the control panel.
- Usually you will want to clear the source file list for the next
- conversion procedure or to quit from "Convert".
- ***************************************************************
- 4. Creating own conversion descriptions
- A conversion description file consists of a set of replacement
- records. Such a record describes how a byte or a pair of bytes
- should be replaced by another byte or another pair of bytes or
- by nothing.
- The structure of a conversion description can thus be described
- with the following grammar in EBNF:
- ConvDescr = { ReplRec }.
- ReplRec = Primary '->' [ Primary ].
- Primary = Byte [ ',' Byte ]
- | String.
- Byte = digit { digit }
- | '"' char '"'.
- String = '"' char char '"'.
- Character sets:
- digit = any decimal digit (0-9).
- char = any character but '"'.
- NB.: "Byte" always stands for 1 byte, "String" always stands for
- 2 bytes !
- Each replacement record must be written in a separate line.
- Furthermore a conversion description may contain comments which
- are written like in the programming languages Ada or Eiffel
- (beginning with "--", until end of line). The comments must NOT
- occur after a replacement record.
- Example:
- -- this is a short example of a conversion description
- --replace byte pair (14,37) with byte 121
- 14,37->121
- --replace byte 154 with byte 254
- 154->254
- --strip byte pair (31,201)
- 31,201->
- --replace byte "A" (character) with 13
- "A"->13
- --replace string "RK" with string "SN" (for byte-fanatics)
- "R","K"->"S","N"
- --replace string "<<" with string ">>" (for lazy writers)
- "<<"->">>"
- --the following lines are incorrect:
- 14,37,->12
- ->13
- 20->41 --this comment does not belong to here !
- --string "XX" stands for byte pair, byte "Y" is too much
- "XX","Y"->
- --if you want to convert '"' then use numbers !
- """->22
- (end of file)
- ***************************************************************
- 5. Error Messages
- "Convert" distinguishes between internal and user errors.
- Internal errors are reported by a short output in the shell
- window or a requester with the title "FATAL ERROR". If an
- internal error occurs, the reason may be a lack of memory. The
- execution of "Convert" is immediately terminated and you have
- to increase the free memory size by quitting from another
- application before restarting "Convert".
- There exists one special internal error which is raised, if
- "Convert" cannot find any conversion description files. This
- error is named
- "Cannot find a conversion description ! - No conversion possible."
- User errors are reported in a requester named "Information".
- Errors of this kind may occur during a conversion process.
- In this case "Convert" will stop the process and return to the
- control panel. The user errors are listed below.
- "Error in conversion description file in line x"
- "Conversion description file not found"
- These errors may occur at the beginning of the conversion process
- when "Convert" tries to open and to parse the current
- conversion description file.
- The first error is reported, whenever a syntax error has been
- encountered in the description file. See chapter 4 for further
- details.
- The second error is reported, when "Convert" cannot open the
- description file. Since the list of description files is built
- at the start of "Convert", another task may have removed the
- requested file.
- "File not found or conversion of empty file attempted"
- This error may occur during the conversion process, when
- "Convert" cannot open a source file. Another task may have
- removed the file between the selection of the file and the
- beginning of the conversion process.
- "Could not get/set file date"
- This message appears if the handler process of the device from
- which the source files are read does not understand the SET_DATE
- command. "Convert" tries to save the old date of a file, since
- only the file structure should be changed.
- If the device driver of your harddisk does not support date
- setting, then try the conversion using another device, i.e. RAM:.
- "Cannot create temporary file"
- In general "Convert" does not save the converted file directly
- over the original file, but creates a temporary file in the same
- directory where the original file is located. If a write-protected
- file with the same name ("CvtTmp_<task address>") exists in this
- directory ,this message tells you that "Convert" will save the
- converted file directly over the original file.
- "Cannot write converted file"
- If one of the source files is opened for output by another
- task during the conversion process, this error will be reported.
- "Cannot lock target directory"
- This message may only appear in duplication mode. It indicates
- that "Convert" could not get read access to the specified target
- directory. A possible reason is that there is another task that
- has exclusive (write) access to the directory.
- "Internal overflow: too many subdirectories"
- This message may only appear in duplication mode. It indicates
- then the path name of a source file to be converted contains more
- than 20 subdirectory names.
- ***************************************************************
- 6. The shell version "Cvt"
- This program is a reduced version of "Convert". It does not
- provide a graphical user interface but accepts all parameters
- from the shell.
- If you call "Cvt" without any parameters it will print the
- following short description:
- »» Convert «« conversion utility v2.0 for AmigaDOS
- Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Rainer Koppler
- USAGE: Cvt "FILES" <file> { <file> }
- ("DESCRIPTION"|"DSC") <ConversionDescription>
- [("TARGET"|"TRG") <TargetDirectory>]
- ["QUIET"]
- If you call "Cvt" with the parameter "?", it will prompt you with
- the following AmigaDOS command template:
- You then have to enter an argument list according to this template
- or you can enter "?" to get the brief description as shown above.
- Description of the parameters:
- The parameter represented by the keyword FILES consists of a list
- of names. A name can be any valid AmigaDOS file name or a pattern
- containing AmigaDOS wildcards. All files in this list will
- be converted by "Cvt". The keyword may be omitted.
- The parameter with the keyword DESCRIPTION (abbreviated as DSC)
- may not be omitted. It specifies the file name of the conversion
- description (full path name). Note that also the keyword may not
- be omitted.
- The parameter TARGET (abbreviated as TRG) is optional. If you
- specify it, "Cvt" will write the converted files to the given
- directory (see "duplication mode", chapter 2). Note that also
- the keyword may not be omitted.
- If you wish "Cvt" to produce no output you must specify the
- switch QUIET. It may be abbreviated as "Q".
- ***************************************************************
- If you find any bugs or you have any ideas how to improve this
- this product, then contact me:
- /// Rainer Koppler
- /// Stelzhamerstraße 9
- \\\ /// A-4623 Gunskirchen
- \\X// Austria/Europe
- internet: rainer@soft.uni-linz.ac.at